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February 21, 2011

Repurpose your magnets!

The other day I was looking at our incredibly over crowded refrigerator. I realized that we had some of those "ugly" magnets up. You know the ones, they had a calendar that was useful....3 years ago! Or they're from a restaurant that closed after 6 months. Well, I decided that I would repurpose them so that they were pretty and useful! Here's the one that I chose for my project:

Since Little Girl is over a year now and she is no longer nursing, this magnet and it's information definitely isn't relevant anymore. So it's my first victim choice.

My first step was to select my paper and measure/trace around the outside. Remember that if you don't get it exactly right you can always shave off the extra around the outside using a hobby knife.

After you trace and cut, you can see if you have any of the extra that you need to trim off.

I used my hobby knife (laying on the mat) to trim off the little bit that I needed to and then glued my paper to the top of my magnet. You can either use glue or Mod Podge.

At this point, you get to embellish. Yay!! My paper had this perfect border that created a fantastic place which just cried for a word!

So I measured my space to know exactly how big my word could be and then I brought out the big boys for reinforcement!

Ta-da! I chose what color paper I wanted and what design for my amazing Cricut to cut out. After I cut out my inspirational word, I added it to my magnet but gluing it down as well.

Then, you Mod Podge it to seal it all together...

After that layer dries, Mod Podge it again!

When it dries, you have a finished magnet. Here are two final shots of my finished project:

It really turned out great! I have several other magnets to create as well in the next week or so. I hope some of you can repurpose some of your own magnets in the future! Please link them up in the comments. I'd love to see what you do too!

I'll be linking up to a bunch of parties. So I'll be adding the links over the next few days! Be on the watch for some great ideas!
Craft Link parties

Have a blessed day,

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