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July 3, 2011

Freebies, Facebook, and Followers

Happy Sunday! I know that there is a ton of celebrating going on this weekend (Happy 4th of July!!)... however, some of your celebrating can be for wonderful, wonderful FREEBIES!! I discovered a wonderful new blog today called Just Add Clipart. She is hosting a linky party for teachers to share their wonderful freebies with others. Head on over.. there are more than 60 teachers (including me) who have linked up to share!

I hope everyone finds something that they can use this fall! I know that my hard drive is getting awfully full from all the generous teachers out there!

On other news... did you notice something different on the top left of my pretty page? That's right! I now have a Facebook page for my blog! I'm super excited to be taking this next big leap in supporting my blog. I hope everyone will click the Like button to be able to keep up with my updates.

I'm also very, very excited to say that I now have over 40 followers! Wow! I'm thinking up something super special for a giveawy when I hit 75 followers. If you like what you see, please pass my page along so that we get there soon!

Have a blessed day,

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