November 12, 2011

Random thoughts

Every so often, I think everyone should be allowed to jot down their random thoughts that are important but aren't really enough to turn into a single blog post. I haven't done one in awhile and thought that it was about time!

Some of you are wonderful, wonderful followers who read everything that I write. It's hard to know how many dedicated people there are because a) I sometimes stink (capital letters are probably due there) at posting regularly and b) there aren't a lot of comments left (everyone is super busy and I'm bad about reading a post and not commenting, I definitely need to be better about that!). But I thought for those of you who might be wondering about the major events in my life here's a run down:

-My mom seems to be responding well to her chemo treatments so far. She's had 2 and is about to have her 3rd this week. After 1 or 2 more treatments, they will be re-evaluating her cancer to see if it is responding at all to it. Her spirits are good but she's had to make some tough decisions about her living arrangements, bills, finances, etc., etc.

-A good friend has been blessed and is expecting a baby the middle of next year! Her and her fiance will be getting married Dec. 27th of this year :) She was so very sweet and asked me to be her bridesmaid. We even went today and found her wedding dress. It is beautiful!!

-My adorable little bits and my awesome husband are doing great.

-I love teaching Kindergarten this year and need to make a point of asking my principal to please keep me there for next year too. Apparently enrollment is looking iffy for next year in upper grades- rumors are already swirling about displacements!!

I'm already in the mood for Christmas. I know that that is horrible since we haven't even passed Thanksgiving yet. But, I really am very excited about it! It has always been a favorite season for me and I think it's hitting me hard that it may be my last with my mom. While that's hard, it also makes me want to make the holiday season as amazing for my kids as she always did for my brother and me while we were growing up. Just tonight I sat down and made a list of who we need to make/buy for in the family and who I need to make/buy for at school. Does anyone else bake or make for people at work? I love to bake for my coworkers. Last year I carried in so many different bags of goodies that I had to make several trips from the car to inside! I also have a couple of really good friends that get specials gifts in addition to their baked goodies. This year one of my friends will be getting this book I think:

Amy Butler's Little Stitches for Little Ones

I would love a copy too but I have so many books and projects that I haven't even touched yet. My mom is cleaning out her craft books and I've been bringing home the ones that I want. So now I have even more than before... which means that my project list keeps on growing!

I pray that everyone is having a fabulous weekend! Don't forget to spend some time outside in the beautiful fall air!

Have a blessed day,

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