October 23, 2011

Looking inward and outward...

I often think that I could do better at everything than I already do. So every so often I really look hard at how I am as a wife, mother, teacher, Christian, and person. Lately I've looked around my house and thought about how it doesn't seem clean enough or decorated enough or homey enough. So I've been trying to be better about decorating, cleaning, and making it seem more at home.

Now I realize that I can't have a super strictly clean home since I have two small children. But at the same time, I get this overwhelming feeling of 'Holy-crud-I-have-too-much-stuff-and-it-all-seems-to-be-laying-around-on-the-couch-floor-and-tables'. Now, I know I'm not the only one who happens to be a stacker. Right? I just happened to be on Pinterest  :) and found this awesome sight on how to have a clean house in 15 minutes.... well, 15 minutes a day. Don't believe me? Check out the blog below!

Organizing Made Fun

Becky's whole sight is amazing! She also has a 31 days to a more orgnaized home. Wow, wouldn't that be awesome? I'm definitely going to be working on getting my life a bit more organized in my life. I'm finally feeling pretty comfortable in Kindergarten and the new material. Keep checking back because later on tonight I will be posting some freebies that I've made over the past few weeks!

Have a blessed day,

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