October 15, 2011

Cleaned up and organized!

I was going to write a post yesterday of my 'Friday Five' that I wanted to accomplish this weekend. I've already started on what my list would have been so now I can't really share it :) Plus, it's not Friday anymore so it wouldn't be a good alliteration either! I got up this morning with the intent to clean my house. So far so good!

I've swept and mopped my little girl's room, living room; vaccumed the dining room (can't wait to get rid of the darn shag carpet!); and straightened up each of those rooms. Now, my next step is to clean up the kitchen, little man's room, the master bedroom, both bathrooms, and my sewing room. I'm determined my house will smell clean and fall-ish today :)

While surfing Pinterest the other day, I found these to help you get organized in every possible way!

Pinned Image

There are all sorts of different kinds of planners that she has found and linked up. I printed one off about planning a new blog post each day. It definitely helped me stay a bit more on track... not completely since I have skipped days this week. But way better than I've done in awhile! I hope you find something that helps you too!

Have a blessed day,

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