September 17, 2011

Say it ain't so...

I promise that I'm still here! I have so many posts planned of these adorable things that my students have been doing, items I've created, pictures I've taken, and systems I've put into place. But, sometimes life gets in the way.

Last week my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. We are slowly getting her tests done and getting that information so that we can move into the treatment phase. With that being said, having a husband, two kids, a kindergarten class of 20, and my mom, I'm not sure how much posting I'll get done in the next little while. But I do want you to know that I will be doing what I can do! I love you all and am so fortunate to be inspired by everyone's fabulous ideas. Thank you for being understanding!

Have a blessed day,


  1. Thank you so much for the sweet thoughts and prayers! We are hanging strong and holding onto our faith to get us through this.
