September 19, 2011

Brown Bear, Brown Bear...

I am so excited about teaching Kindergarten this year. It's so, so very much fun! The arts and crafts, the hands-on, and the engaging lessons are all just so me! I wanted to show you these adorable crafts that my students made with our shared reading a couple of weeks back.

Can it get any better than gluing things to popsicle sticks? Really! I'm being very serious. When I realized I was going to get to use popsicle sticks within days of starting to teach my Kinders, I was just a tad bit ecstatic! I was even more excited when the very next week we got to do the same thing for Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

I would love to be able to scan and share my print out, but I believe that it is a copy from The Mailbox magazine that my school has a subscription to. You definitely need to go check out your very own professional learning room for a copy!!

Have a blessed day,

1 comment:

  1. Do you know which issue of The Mailbox? So cute! Thanks for sharing! :)
    Crayons and Curls
