July 11, 2011

Nightmares have arrived!

Hi everyone, I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. Sorry for not posting anything yesterday. We took a small field trip with our church group yesterday. We didn't get home till late, but we had a blast!

It's that time of the summer (at least for me)... the nightmares have begun! That's right... those nasty nightmares of going back to school and all the dozens of horrible things that can go wrong (but never do). The only one that I actually have had (so far) was Saturday night. Next door to my new classroom is an elevator. My dream the other night was that I was showing my brand new Kidnergarteners how to walk in line up and down the hallway but some of the mischievious little boys and girls were trying to hide out in the elevator. I would go in to get them and as I herded them out.. more would sneak in behind me! At one point during my dream the kids were even eating snack in the elevator. The funny thing is that in real life you have to have a key to get in the elevator! Definitely not the worst dream that I could have by any means!! So have you had any back to school dreams lately?

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Have a blessed day,

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