July 13, 2011

Mini--project for the playground!

Earlier this summer I made a cute and quick little craft that I thought someone else might find useful this year. I can not take the credit for this idea at all though! Several of the other teachers on my new grade level shared this with me at the end of last year. What is it that's so cute? A playground bag!

Isn't it cute? This is the perfect little bag for holding all my essentials on the playground. We have clinic slips in case students get hurt, band aids for minor boo-boos, my whistle, and anything else that I need. Plus, I'm thinking about having my helper of the day be in charge of taking it out and bringing it in. Plus, since it has the super adorable ladybug on it... it's perfect!

If you'd like to make your own, all you need is an iron-on applique, canvas bag, and puff paint. I actually purchased my applique from a clearance display. Originally it didn't want to stick to the bag. However, my husband figured out how to fix that... increase the heat of the iron and press harder :) So glad that it worked because it turned out so cute!

Have a blessed day,