July 29, 2011

Happy Friday... giveaway and crafts!

Happy Friday to everyone! I am so excited to be picking a winner of my giveaway soon. If you haven't entered yet, go to this post to do so. You have until 6 pm tonight to enter. I am so excited to see what kind of special design I get to create for the winner. It almost takes away the feeling of being rushed about going back to work. Someone suggested to me that today is the last day of vacation since weekends don't really count. Not sure I'm comfortable with that logic! Anyways, below are the pointers that I created at the beginning of the summer. If you would like to try a win a set of your own, go here to leave your comments.
In other crafty news, I have seen a ton of flower tutorials all over the web in the past few months. I've tried the rolled flowers before and they come out really nicely and are super adorable! I also love the flowers that you create using just circles. Here is one of my favorites that I have seen lately:

Below are the ones that I created. Instead of using just fabric, I used this gorgeous gray felt that I found at Michael's a couple of weeks ago. I'm definitely in love with the gray and yellow combo. Well, really gray with anything is pretty much my favorite right now!
 One of the gray and the blue will be going to one of my wonderful friends at work for her birthday. We don't see each other a lot during the summer since we both commute to work. She is 45 minutes in one direction and I'm 1 hour 15 minutes in the other direction. Doesn't work out very well for lots of get togethers unfortunately.

After I got started making these flowers, I decided to meet one of my goals that I had set for the summer. My keys have always been too long (which is why my husband doesn't use them) and are always getting lost in my purse (which has been driving me up the wall). So I wanted to make a cute new keychain and try to reorganize my keys. So I came up with this:
While my husband is probably going to continue not using my set of keys, it at least solves my problem of getting lost in my purse! Plus the two flowers together make a fun item to squish and play with if you are waiting in line or have bored kiddos.

I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday! I know I'm going to enjoy date night with the hubs tonight!!

Have a blessed day,

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