June 22, 2011

Waaaay back...

Way back at the beginning of the year, I made a goal (not a resolution... they are often broken ;) ) to complete 100 projects this year. I started off the year with great intentions and did pretty well for the first couple of weeks. I know as it got closer and closer to testing time at school, my projects kind of slacked off. Now, after going back and checking, I am up to 28 projects. A long way from 100 but still, not bad. It's honestly probably more than I did last year. I have a habit of buying my craftin/sewing supplies and not being very well motivated to get my project done. However, since I am on a roll.... here's project #29!

I made a couple more sets of alphabet sticks to be able to use at the beginning of the year. I really like the idea of having a pocket chart poem (short and simple) and having the students pull a letter to find in the poem. Here was the first set that I made:

I just love these little sticks! I'm sure there will be even more that I can do with them once I actually get into teaching this fall. A fellow Kinder teacher at school gave me an almost class set of clothes pins that she had done the same thing with. She said she used them with a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom unit. I'm so excited I can hardly wait!

Have a blessed day,

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