June 13, 2011

Has God spoken to you lately?

There are times when you can almost hear God shouting at you.... and times when he's quieter than a cricket. I have definitely felt that He has been wanting me to use my blog as a way to spread my faith. In that spirit, I saw this post this morning from a fellow blogger:

Laura wants you to send her a message and she will posts prayer requests each Monday so that they can be lifted up to the Lord. This is an amazing idea that I think should definitely be spread through out cyber space. I will be heading right there to add my own. May God bless you today!

1 comment:

  1. I too follow Laura's blog and recently added my own prayer request for my daughter there. It is such a blessing knowing people I've never met are praying for her. I think it's a wonderful way to reach out to the blogging community! I'll be sure to check in and be praying for you!
