May 21, 2011

Getting a head start!

There are two things you should know about me besides what you already do....
 #1- I get very worried if I don't know what's coming (with big decisions it's easier for me to know the who, what, when, where, etc.)
#2- I am always concerned that I won't be ready!

So, since I now know that I am going to Kindergarten (big decision that I finally know the who, what, when, and where of...) I can start preparing! I have been slowly looking at all the amazing Kindergarten teachers out there and their fantastic ideas. Here are some (just a few) that I have found so far:

Oh my, I could go on and on! I think (if it could have) my bookmark list wants to cry.... especially after I found that there are even teaching blogs!!!

AH-mazing teachers who are crafty, crafty, crafty!

That lead me to start getting my crafty itch going.....and here's what I made:

Aren't they cute? If you are not an elementary school teacher, these are pointers :)
Not what you remember from school, huh?
Well, the kids love these even more because they are cute! 

Here's a close up on three of them.... the ladybug is my favorite!

Want to make your own? It's not hard at all!
You will need:
- cute wooden shapes (mine came from Michael's)
- precut wooden dowels
- paint
- sponge brushes
-glue gun

The first thing that I did was paint my dowels. Since my theme is going to be a garden theme for my whole room I stuck with a green color. After my paint dried (only a few minutes wait), I hot glued my shapes on. And you know what? I was done! See, told you it was simple :D

The great thing about this project is that you can change it to fit any theme since there are dozens of different types of wooden cut outs at Joanns, Michael's, and Hobby Lobby.

Happy crafting! Now my students will have lots of cute pointers when they 'read the room', read big books, and help with calendar this fall.

Todays Creative Blog

Have a blessed day,


  1. Those are very cute!! I'm glad you found my blog helpful! So fun that you'll be in kindergarten! :)

    Miss Kindergarten

  2. Fabulous idea! I'd love for you to link up at Thanks for sharing!
