October 16, 2011

Pinterest finds this week

We all know that we LOVE pinterest but sometimes we just pin the yummy things and never actually get around to trying them out. I saw this pin a couple weeks ago but finally made them this weekend. As Rachel Ray would say- YUM-O!

Pinned Image

These were really easy to make and taste like Samoas. Yummy! The only thing that I did different from the recipe is I used a 13x9 pan and aluminum foil on the bottom of my pan. They still turned out really good! The recipe said that it makes 20 bars. I cut my pan into 3 rows and was able to get that many. They are really rich and chocolatey so you might want to reduce how big they are.

I've seen a lot of other yummy things on Pinterest lately. Has anyone else tried any recipes that they've pinned? I'd love to hear about it. Post a link and I might even try it myself!

I hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend. We enjoyed the cookout that we went to yesterday as well as the perfect fall day. My son was given a R/C car for his birthday last January and it has been forgotten in our closet for awhile. We brought it out yesterday and he had an absolute blast making it bounce around in the yard.

Has anyone else noticed the insane amount of acorns on the ground lately? I'm thinking I need to gather some up and make something with them. Not sure what though... Any ideas, links, or pictures?

Have a blessed day,

1 comment:

  1. I have tried the Crockpot Enchilada Soup!
    Here's my post!!!
