October 29, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

I am already in the mood for Christmas! Hard to believe right ;) ? It's true though. The kids and I went to Target this morning to get a few last minute things for Halloween costumes on Monday. Then we strolled through the entire toy department, aisle by aisle, and picked out the things that we might just ask Santa for. While the pumpkins are taking their naps, I'm searching for other Christmas ideas and making a list while I watch Home Alone :) Yep, I'm totally ready!

I just thought that some of you might be in the same frame of mind as me and would enjoy what I've found so far!

It is an awesome list that definitely gave me several ideas other than candy! The only thing that I would add to the list is the awesome McDonald's or Zaxby's dollars that they do around the holidays. I know a friend of ours ' son loves to get AMC or Carmike bucks as well.

I also found this adorable craft the other day. I am definitely doing these in the coming weeks!

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Gotta love pinterest right? I also found these great ideas:
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There have been a ton of lists being pinned too! I could spend forever looking at the amazing ideas on the lists and on Pinterest! What have you been looking at lately?

Have a blessed day,

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